The Kinestica project

The Kinestica company turned to us for the development and production of Bimeo, their medicinal-rehabitational device. We developed and produced a casting, integrating the use of rubber and plastic.

For more information about the product, check out the video.

About the client

Kinestica is a company which was once a part of the laboratory for robotics at the University of Ljubljana. The team of experts develop and produce medicinal devices for assisting in the therapy of different types of disease and injuries. We at Chemets assisted in the development of BiMeo, the medicinal-rehabitational device. Kinestica directed their top-level knowledge into the research of the problems associated with strokes. Did you know that strokes, from a statistical point of view, afflict around 15 million people all over the world every year? Of those 10 million who survive, most require intensive rehabilitation, and here BiMeo can be of substantial assistance.

About the development and process

We at Chemets took the BiMeo data file and first checked it before printing it with the chosen 3D technology. On the basis of the 3D model, together with the client, we checked the functionality of the product from a dimensional-suitability point of view. What followed was the production of castings, made from plastic, later on, in-line with the need for better grip, we made dual-component castings (rubber + plastic). After having fulfilled all of the demands from the client, we began with the production of a small series.

For more information about the product, check out the Kinestica’s official website.

“The originality of the BiMeo system is the method of the exercises which activates the remaining motor activities of both arms with the purpose of improving the motor functions of the more afflicted arm. The BiMeo system is comprised of three sensors which are attached to the hand of the patient. Sensors capture physical measurements such as acceleration, speed, position and force. All this data is then sent via a wireless network to a personal computer, where mathematical algorithms calculate the parameters of the exercise. These are then further used for the optimisation of the manner of exercises, which enable intensive and patient-specific exercises. Only in this way are we able to expect an improvement in motor functions.”

said one of the founding members of Kinestica, Dr. Aleš Hribar, for the portal, ‘Mladi podjetnik’.

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