For more about the product take a look at the video.

The problem with which every woman driver faces is now solved thanks to Anđelka Toto-Ormuž. The product, which prevents the damaging of shoes while driving, was until recently non-existent. Anđelka decided to start the 4SHU project around two years ago, when the idea came to her of how to save her own shoes and the shoes of all other women with a removable protective device. At first she thought that the idea would only take 15 to 20 days, but the project continued day after day and improvements were made over the following 2 years with the involvement of a total of 42 people, including engineers, technologists, medical specialists, designers and legal specialists. The product looks simple, but they had to satisfy all parameters; from maintaining its position on the heel, safety in traffic, adjustability to the shoe and aesthetics, which all took much time and research.
At Chemets, the first Na5u came about with a 3D print. We printed a 3D model, and later we produced plastic castings in different colours with vacuum casting technology. Anđelka tested the first prototype, along with her friends, and on the basis of positive feedback, the Na5u went into series production.
For more information about the product take a look at