Virus is new opportunity for 3D.

An interesting and different 2020

2020 was for me, personally, a really interesting and very different year from all the others.

Marked by the COVID-19 virus.

Whoever was able to accept it as a situation over which we have no personal control, emerged as a winner in 2020.

My personal motto is, “There’s something good in every bad thing!”

I have to say that I have never had so much time for myself in my life, for thinking about myself, about my life, business, God and the word of God, and last but not least, time for family, people and sports activities, which I often neglected in the past all because of the the fast pace of life.🕛

I realised that it’s necessary to hear and be heard, both at home and at work, in one’s private, as well as one’s business life.

In March of last year, we at CHEMETS wanted to celebrate 30 years with business partners and friends, but the virus prevented us from doing so.

Why was the virus an opportunity, and some kind of new impetus for me?

  • How can I take this time and take advantage of it?
  • What am I good at?
  • What is the company good at?
  • What do clients need, want, and demand in this kind of situation? How can I help them?
  • What benefits can the company bring them?
  • What am I missing on the marketplace?
  • What can the company offer the market?
  • What is my niche market?
  • What is the company’s niche?
  • What is the competition not doing?

Regarding everything that I have learned and come to know over the past couple of years, the situation in 2020 forced me to carry out activities that I had planned for some time further ahead into the future.

I consciously and quickly decided that it was was now necessary to invest all my energy, time and money into the visibility of CHEMETS through the development of a new brand; the development of my business method PUMA, the creation of a new website and personal exposure through videos and various different types of content on social networks. Now is the time to seek out, conclude and connect trustworthy partnerships for the good of both parties.

There is no way I would be able to do this on my own without a professional team that trusts me and, of course with me trusting them, as well as having a similar mind-set, values and goals.

Every top athlete needs high quality experts and coaches in their team to achieve top results, e.g. for nutrition, fitness, and strength, as well as a sports-psychologist, a physiotherapist … The better they work together, the better the results.

It’s the same thing with a company. For top performance, it has to have a high quality team of people working in harmony and covering different areas.

I found mine.

With this in mind, I want to encourage you not to be thrown off-track by anything unforeseen.

Now is the time to think about and answer the questions above.

I wish you all the best from heart.

Barbara H. Wilkesmann

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